Music clip rating 2

You will hear short music clips. Your task is to evaluate how strongly you feel different emotions while listening to each clip.

Consent for participation:

Thank you for volunteering for the music experiment.

Participation in the experiment is completely voluntary and you can stop the experiment at any time without giving any reason. All data are treated confidentially as required by the Finnish Personal Data Act and are accessible only by the members of the research team. The data are stored on an encrypted server at the University of Turku, and participants cannot be identified on the basis of their responses. The results of the experiment will be published in scientific journals. Browser identity information is not saved. The experiment is a project of the Human emotion systems research group at Turku PET Centre. Additional information about the experiment will be given by Dr. Vesa Putkinen (

By proceeding with the experiment, I give my consent to the collection and processing of the data in this experiment.
